3 Emerging Content Marketing Trends Your Competitors Are Sleeping On

Whether you’ve been doing business online for 5 years or 5 minutes, you’ve probably utilized some form of content marketing to reach potential customers. It’s all the rage these days, and it’s easy to see why.
After all, a consistent output of quality content has immense potential. It has the power to grab prospects’ attention, gain their trust, and elevate you as an authority in your niche - which, if you’re doing it right, leads to increased sales, a loyal customer base, and more money in your pocket. (Cha-ching!)
Perhaps you’ve focused on social media; on likes and shares and building a community to promote your brand. Or perhaps you’ve found your efforts better spent on growing your list and creating killer email sequences to get people clicking and buying. Maybe you’ve found success in blogging, in reaching people through original, thought-provoking written content. Or, if you’re like most business owners, it’s likely a combination of all of the above. 

​According to Zazzle’s 2018 State of Content Marketing Survey, 78% of businesses reported using social media, 80% utilized email marketing, and a whopping 88% reported using written content to reach potential customers in 2018. These methods are popular for a reason - they’re proven to work!
But no matter how well they’re working for you, chances are that they’re working just as well for your competitors. So don’t get complacent. Pay attention to these 3 emerging trends in content marketing, apply them wisely, and you just might give your business the edge you need to become a leader in your market.
Why waste time analyzing the best marketing options for your business when your computer can do it for you? Programmatic advertising software takes your business’ information, uses an algorithm to find the ideal places to maximize your online presence, and automates the purchasing of ad space. It takes the guesswork out of marketing and makes a stressful process simple, allowing you to focus on crafting the perfect message to reach your audience. In 2018, only 13% of businesses reported using programmatic as a marketing tool. 
Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to emotionally connect with your audience. VR advertising has a unique potential to take your story - and that connection - to the next level. Adding a 360-degree dimension to a video ad gives viewers a detailed, hands-on look at whatever you decide to show them. Just 6% of businesses reported using VR advertising in 2018, leaving lots of opportunity for your business to make a bold impression with this exciting technology.
 Voice Search
“Hey Google!” “Alexa!” “Siri!” In 2018, it’s hard to imagine a day without hearing (or using!) one of these commands. More and more people are opting for the convenience of using voice searches to find information about businesses. As this technology evolves, applying SEO to voice commands rather than traditional typed-in keywords is becoming more and more relevant. However, a miniscule 3% of businesses reported using this strategy in their marketing plans this year.
These three emerging trends have been widely hyped up as the “next big thing(s)” in content marketing. But as you can see, these statistics show that the vast majority of businesses have yet to take advantage of their potential. While the tried-and-true methods are still worth your time, including these newer trends in your marketing strategy could be just the boost you need to set your business apart from the rest and take your online presence to the next level.


Choosing Advertising Venues: Google, Facebook … or both?


Style Spotlight: Dream Kitchen