8 Ways To Skyrocket Your E-mail Conversion Rates

It’s 2018: we get a lot of e-mails. Most of them are just sent to spam or deleted without opening. How can you make sure that your e-mails stand out against all the noise?

E-mail copywriting takes time, effort, and creativity— and can often be a daunting task. Let’s simplify the process of designing an awesome e-mail.

It’s vital to keep in mind is what your customers will be seeing. 

​Here are the most important things you need to do:

  1. Write a Killer Subject Line
    It’s the first thing your potential readers will see! This, ultimately, is what convinces consumers to either read or delete your e-mail (or mark it as spam!). Your goal here is to grab attention. Keep it captivating, concise, and creative (no clichés).

  2. Perfect Your Pre-Header Preview
    Your pre-header text, in most e-mail clients, is also viewable from a customer’s inbox. This preview tells them what to expect from your e-mail. It’s important that this preview shares more information about your topic while still enticing your customer.

  3. Be Logical
    Order content in a way that makes sense. Think about your content and the message you want to send. No matter what your email’s purpose (weekly newsletter, holiday promo, etc.), you’ll need to create a logical hierarchy. This can be done through headlines, sub-headlines, body text, or even with color and whitespace.

    It’s also important to keep in mind that most e-mails are read on mobile devices (in fact, according to Litmus Software, more than half of e-mails are read on mobile). Make sure your e-mail layout is compatible to be read on a variety of screens.

  4. Write for the Web
    Writing e-mail content is just like writing for the web: you want to keep paragraphs short and simple to declutter and inform. Most of the time, people read their e-mail on the go; clearing out their inboxes while in line at the grocery store, while waiting at the dentist, etc. Utilize whitespace to give your readers’ eyes a break while pointing out what’s important.

  5. Stay Consistent
    A lot of work has gone into your website and your social media outlets: your e-mails should be no different. Replicate the look, feel, and tone of your brand when designing and writing your copy.

  6. Encourage Action
    Make it easier for your readers to engage and respond to your Call to Action (CTA). Draw extra attention to your CTA by leaving whitespace around the link, changing its color, or by making the button larger. Be specific and direct with your language.

  7. Add Tracking Links
    Monitoring your results will give you insight into what’s working and what isn’t. Maybe your e-mails that sport a funny subject line have a higher open rate than the more serious ones, or vice versa. You’ll get some insight into your customer base by utilizing your analytics. Many e-mail service providers offer this service if you don’t have analytics installed.

  8. Double Check Before Clicking “Send”
    Be on top of the content you’re sending out. Hit spell check. Double check your link URLs. Open an e-mail preview or sample and click through every link to make sure they lead where you want them to. Your goal is to get your reader to click your link: you want to make sure the link works.

E-mail marketing can be one of the most effective channels available to companies – when used correctly. 


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