Minimize Costs and Maximize Sales with Email Marketing

When it comes to promoting your business, email continues to be one of the most important ways to reach customers and increase sales. Although it may seem that social media is catching up quickly, the numbers show that email marketing continues to be more effective for businesses to communicate with their customers.
A recent survey found that only 41 percent of people, and only 30 percent of Americans, trust social media. Four in ten people have deleted a social media account in the past year. Conversely, email use continues to grow, with a whopping 3.8 email users in 2018. That number is set to grow to 4.4 billion by 2023.
Let’s explore some of the reasons why your email list is still the most effective way to reach customers in 2019.
It’s Cost Effective
The average business owner reported a return on investment of $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing in 2019. That’s up from $38 for every $1 spent in 2018. If you focus on fine-tuning your message and determining what’s most effective for your audience, that number could increase exponentially.
It Requires Permission
Unlike Facebook, where people are bombarded with ads from companies they’ve never heard of, people who choose to receive your emails do so willingly. They’ve already expressed an interest in what your business has to offer. Requiring a double opt-in, or adding an extra step for customers to receive your emails, narrows it down even further. Research has shown that requiring a double opt-in can increase ROI by an average of 13%.

It’s Measurable
One of the most useful perks of email marketing is that it’s easy to see what customers are doing and analyze what works and what doesn’t. You can see who is opening your emails, what they’re clicking on, and what they’re doing on your website after they click. You can also test different types of communication to see what’s most effective, then adjust your messaging accordingly to nurture the customer relationship.
It Saves Time
Automated email marketing tools allow you to save the time you’d normally spend sending emails manually. A campaign can be set up once, then be automatically triggered to send emails based on the user’s actions. For example, when someone signs up for your email list, it automatically sends out a welcome message. It can also send automated emails suggesting related products based on the items a customer has looked at, announce sales or special events, or send out a gentle reminder after someone leaves items in their shopping cart.
An added bonus is that there’s a marketing automation option available to fit every budget. You can see some examples here.
As you can see, although many businesses are shifting their focus to social media, the facts show that email marketing continues to be a more effective way to reach customers in 2019. Don’t get us wrong - a strong marketing strategy should certainly incorporate both. Looking at the numbers, though, any savvy business owner would be wise to focus on email as a powerful, sale increasing weapon in their marketing arsenal.


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