Choosing to Chat: The Chatbot Trend and Safety

It’s not hyperbolic to proclaim that computers are taking over our communications. Considering smartphones and tablets are effectively mini-computers, it’s safe to say that between emails, texts, and online chatting, the days of verbal interaction are waning.

The development of the “chatbot,” a cute moniker for pop-up screens that allow one-on-one interactions, originated from old-style chatrooms and expanded to take on a more commercial application. If you’re in the biz to sell goods or services, you may find yourself gravitating to that medium in order to provide optimal customer service.

Here’s a figure to knock your socks off: In 2018 there were more than 300,000 active chats on Facebook alone. That social media platform is an ideal venue, but considering this next statistic may be even more shocking. Experts say chatbots will likely handle more than 85 percent of all customer service interactions this year.

Here’s how it works: Your potential or existing customers have a question about a product, or an existing order. A chat icon on your page opens a chat window in which you and the customer may engage in a friendly discussion.

But friendly isn’t always secure, and there are concerns in that area. Best practices are essential in protecting sensitive information of both your customer and your business. First and foremost, always use HTTPS protocols to lock down information. They ensure integrity and privacy and minimize (but don’t entirely eliminate) malfeasance. Hackers are everywhere, so there is always a chance of a breach.

In the interest of security, here are other important tips:

  • Use Self-Destructing Messages

    These are ideal for conversations where personally identifiable information is exchanged or offered. This information will evaporate after a specified time frame, chosen by you. Self-destructing message technology is a mainstay of chatbot interactions used in banking and healthcare. If your industry is subject to certain regulations, this level of security meets compliance laws. But even if you aren’t, and are merely an ecommerce vendor, you might consider this technology as long as you retain a transcript on your end. That will provide you with backup in case there is a dispute.

  • End-to-End Encryption Secures the Conversation

    Chatbot interactions should always be encrypted. Nothing tempts a hacker more than an open, unencrypted messaging string. Compliance laws mentioned above have led to an increase of encryption and pseudonymizing personal data. Try the messaging app Telegram to implement strong security measures without hiring outside help, and to establish “secret chats.” These allow chat participants on either end to choose deletion.

However you opt to approach a chatbot feature, remember that despite the risk of privacy breaches, they can be the difference between a sale and a lost customer. Being responsive on an immediate basis is impressive to consumers. Boost their confidence with protocols that keep both you and them on the safe side, and you’ll be good to go.


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