Google’s Game-Changing “Shoploop”— a Tempting Tryout

Meet Shoploop, Google’s latest toe-dip into creative digital selling. It’s been called everything from a “Tik Tok for shopping,” to a new version of an old idea, to the next hottest thing in the future of online buying. Some even liken it (for better or worse) to telemarketing for ecommerce.

Somewhere in the middle may work. It goes without saying that the younger generation of consumers is already fully on board with video. They’ve cut their teeth on it, be it through large-screen gaming to Instagram feeds. That captive audience is fruitful, but older shoppers are also taking to the medium in large numbers. The upshot is an intriguing way to personalize and expand your marketing.

The Google surge to dominate online buying explores the spiking reliance on video to entertain and inform, turning the tables and using it as an ingenious way to offer detailed visual and audio product information. Shoploop is under the Google “Area 120” umbrella, which explores ways to expand its reach into ecommerce. Unlike close competitors and platforms, its video services come grouped, eliminating the need for multiple apps.

At rollout, its focus is on the obvious sectors such as clothing, cosmetics, and skin care. Expansions are inevitable as the trend catches on.

Shoploop functions through a single app that bundles their shopping services for merchants. It looks easy to manage with its user-friendly interface. Viewers who like what they see may save the product for a future purchase, or click straight through to your website.

Google has—perhaps as a crafty way of introducing Shoploop—already made its shopping platform free, with some minor restrictions. Shoploop slides in with a perfect fit. Envision demonstrating a home improvement product with a short instructional video showing real-time results, or showing how to apply that newfangled eyeshadow palette properly. The possibilities are endless, limited only to your inventory, imagination, and willingness to take a leap into what the 21st Century has to offer.

Shoploop videos are limited to 90 seconds, which marketing experts say is a good thing. Consumer attention spans run short. But a minute-and-a-half is plenty of time to pack in everything you need to produce a low-cost commercial.

Maybe your biz isn’t high-profile enough to have the all-important influencer back it with sales pitches. Some believe the Shoploop phenomenon may turn average merchants into influencers if they like what they see.

Here’s the catch (and you knew there was one). Shoploop is only available as a mobile-optimized website, but insiders say that may change if the platform takes off. Jump in and help advance it to an all-comers playground. You never know how much and how quickly it can kick up your revenues.


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