Head Into 2020 with These Top Trends

As another year slips by, marking the end of a decade, it’s time to wax nostalgic about the evolution we witnessed in the ‘10s, and prepare for an even more energizing landscape for ecommerce in the ‘20s.

These aren’t the Roaring Twenties romanticized in history books and pop culture, but rather a digital form geared toward harnessing the avalanche of opportunity available through Internet channels. It’s not likely that anyone in the Flapper days foresaw social media – although they would have loved it – but embracing the festive, carefree demeanor of that era is not a bad way to approach your business pursuits as we say goodbye to yet another year and decade.
So what trend-setting developments are we likely to see come January? What ingenious tactics and offerings will pose tempting ways of boosting your business?

Let’s start with customer engagement. If your patrons love you, put them to good use by involving them in social media campaigns. Hashtags go a long way on Twitter and Instagram, so why not come up with a catchy phrase involving a product you sell or your business name, and let it fly?

Picture this:
#AtlanticTradersHolidaySale – that hashtag generates a discussion of your personal shopping space. Sound fun? Try it!

If you’re not up to speed on how to execute hashtag campaigns or even use them effectively, GoDaddy has a great tutorial.

Another way to work customers’ and potential customers’ personal lives into your web is to entice them with personal touches. Social media “customer care” demonstrates your interest in serving them in a way that matters. Put simply, it’s not sufficient to set up Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, and Instagram accounts. Reaching out to customers and being responsive to their input will get you places. Be sure to monitor and respond to ALL comments made to your Facebook posts. If someone has a complaint, apologize for their experience and offer to fix it. If someone gushes over your product or service, thank then back with equal enthusiasm. 

As video grows in the sphere of internet communications, consider jumping on board. You already understand the value of graphic imaging. Make that picture move, inserting narrative dialog. It’s a psychological incentive to customers who may respond to voice faster than visualization. Facebook has some great tips for creating effective ads on their platform. Other sites do, as well.
Finally, get accustomed to the exploding trend of using “social influencers” to spread your message. More than 20 percent of millennials purchase products online after seeing social media influencers talk them up. Big firms tap celebrities to spread brand awareness through their influencer roles. You may not be in this league, so you should reach out to customers who will be flattered that you’re recruiting them as a talent. Far from hired actors, they are actual loyalists who can tell their stories from experience.
These trends suggest a shift toward connecting with customers and prospective customers through social network outreach. It’s an unsurprising extension of the way social media has changed the landscape of commerce, politics, issue-based discussions, business networking, and virtually every facet of life. As you compete against a colossal pile of others vying for patronage, remember that a personal touch can be the difference between a scroll-over and a click-through that leads to a long-lasting client relationship.


Kick Off 2020 at the Las Vegas Market Winter 2020