Facebook Spawns the Video Star

Using video content to sell goods on social media.

The ever-expanding reach of Facebook as a town square for social interactions brings with it a prime opportunity to capture consumers, building a formidable customer base. Ecommerce merchants are learning more about its utility as they go along, both through personal dalliances in the social media realm and the due diligence required to stay afloat as an online seller.

Whether or not you are enamored of video ads on Facebook and other platforms, be aware that others are. It’s a fast-growing strategy for branding, which turns into carving out a niche clientele and – well – selling to them. It’s that simple. It’s the Ecommerce 101 concept of conversions, or turning lookie-loos into staunch customers.

What isn’t quite as cut and dried is the creative elements of this growing technology. Those who lag behind in internet usage will naturally need some hand-holding to strike out with the latest in ad and marketing efforts. Luckily there is no shortage of help to be had, expedited by a quick Google search.

But the nuts and bolts of video presentation as a medium for advertising are not altogether different from using simple photography. You need your content to be fresh, compelling, and relevant to the type of audience likely to warm up to your inventory. 

​As it is a gargantuan social media platform, Facebook (or Facebook for Business, which is an unofficial spinoff), there are fundamental parameters and limitations. Facebook will supply you with stock images to dress up your personalized ads, but creating a video is up to you. Some ways to produce a video include:

  • Slideshows. A creative blend of photos and readable text is a decent way to test the video approach without diving right in. If your product line is conducive to simple imagery, why not spice it up with a slow-moving presentation? Psychologists understand that consumers are more likely now than ever before to respond to visual cues, and flat, one-dimensional pictures may not cut it anymore. As a bonus, slideshows are pretty simple to create. Try Animoto, a freebie. That app will walk you through the basics, demonstrating the best way to showcase your goods.

  • Narratives. Got a story to tell? Of course you do. Your business is your life blood, so pour some effort into generating story-based ads that hit on the core interest of consumers whose appetite for your products is strong. Facebook’s Ad Manager is stocked with ready-to-use templates that will help you begin the process. You just may become a master of animation, weaving video content into your website and even personal communications.

  • Booster shots. Boosting posts on your business page magically transforms an existing video into an ad, and since you tailor the target demographic audience, you’re ahead of the game. Your audience reach grows, especially since Facebook’s algorithm feature favors video content over simple text and even still images.

  • Show it off. Joining video content with product images is a fabulous way to offer sensory stimulation to the hungry buyer. Let virtual shoppers experience an almost-there tour of your virtual store. They will feel included and welcomed, and their trust level is likely to increase.

  • Go private. Facebook’s Messenger app is a great way to reach out to existing and interested new clients. A video ad delivered through private messaging is more likely to attract interest than one that appears in a never-ending scrolled feed. As long as you don’t overdo it (remember how you feel about spam), and your interactions are personalized to address the customer’s questions or general interests, you may find yourself moving closer to prioritizing video content on the Facebook platform as a key tool in your marketing toolbox.

Check out this handy primer on bigcommerce.com for a litany of excellent tips, including and beyond the Facebook video experience. And begin your journey with a visit to Business News Daily for a comprehensive list of benefits available to merchants of all sizes who decide to dive in and make the most of Facebook.


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