Automation Station: Using Chatbots for E-Commerce

AI needs no further introduction for most. It’s Artificial Intelligence, for those who don’t know. And it’s becoming a staple in commerce of all types. You’ve seen it in grocery and departments stores that are increasingly replacing human beings with self-checkout machines. Whether it’s a positive or negative development in society is a topic for another day. Let’s see how it can work for you.

Your E-Commerce biz can use all the tech tools it can get when it comes to expanding ease and access for your customers. If you’ve visited a website for a store or even a service and been greeted in a separate window by a “chatbot,” you’ll know what we mean. These personal assistants give the perception of a real time pal, and that is impressive. The degree to which each is truly staffed by a human who is able to assist at every level varies by proprietor, and you may find yourself at the low end of that spectrum. But even offering extra information that doesn’t appear on your home page or landing pages will be an exceptional benefit to shoppers.

While major utilities and mega corporations are most likely to avail actual staffers for receiving chatbot requests, don’t immediately dismiss their ability to offer specialized help. A database of inventory can easily translate to a searchable body with which the chatbot suddenly becomes a personal shopper by responding to search criteria. If your customer asks whether you sell faux leather covered ottomans, your search string is fashioned for you, and programming follow-up questions (including style, color, etc.) refines the process.

Analysts estimate that the global chatbot market may reflect almost $4 billion in just over six years, so maybe it’s time to at least familiarize yourself. An engaged response policy may cement a sale in real time, but at very least, highlighting information in a setting that feels comfortable and customized to a shopper is a win-win. Intercom is a perfect place to start with respect to learning more about AI, and finding an appropriate service level in chatbot functionality. Zendesk is an AI provider already to help you explore the technology with a free trial.

The key to an effective chatbot system is to let potential buyers in on its limitations in advance. Make sure they know they may not be interacting with a real person as they type into that window. Tell them the bot is their second-tier personal shopper who can ease the search process.

But if you’re able to tap the real thing, there are also expectations among consumers that you should meet. Long timeouts, inaccurate information, and a failure to reconcile the shopper’s purpose for visiting will probably ensure no further usage. Like a lot of aspects of technology, it’s as good as its feasibility. But play it right and it could be a valuable addition to your team.


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